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Blog Feed
Title: Still not convinced these work
Subtitle: Beatrix Bobbit is infinitely better than a video but the Bobbits would make a delightful show.
all about world building
World building is a term used a lot in fantasy. As it should be because it's super important in the fantasy genre. When you're creating...
character backstory
There's nothing less exciting to read than a one dimensional character who is completely flat and dull and uninteresting. Characters are...
third draft thoughts
A third of the way through draft three is feeling pretty surreal. Sometimes, I read something and I'm like, "Go me! I totally tied that...
shadow and bone takeaways
Obviously, Shadow and Bone was a must-watch for me. I haven't read the series yet (thanks to a 13 week wait time at the library), but...
huge news
I could cry and dance and cartwheel and laugh and handstand and take celebratory photos... Because on Friday night, I finished my second...
finding a new perspective
Raise your hand if the voice inside your head while writing can be way harsh? Does it criticize and judge every word and sentence as you...
how to manage distractions
Let's face it, we're all over-scheduled. There's barely enough time for all the things you have to do everyday, and definitely not enough...
first drafts, second drafts & beyond
Starting to write a book is a lot like learning to ride a bike (which is a tired analogy but the picture was cute so just roll with it,...
stuck on words + phrases
Have you ever written words or a phrase and been like, "Yessssssss so good." I hope so, because that probably means you love writing, and...
how to keep track of your story
Lost in the leaves. An all too familiar feeling when trying to keep track of all your characters, plots, sub-plots, conflicts and...
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