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Title: Still not convinced these work
Subtitle: Beatrix Bobbit is infinitely better than a video but the Bobbits would make a delightful show.

august books to read now
Something about interesting characters and great stories... I feel like I've been a bit of a book rut where I'm reading a lot of books,...

how many drafts does it take
It's summer and I've been swimming a lot (and drafting!) so can I say it?! Just keep swimming/writing/drafting. Whatever it is you're...

all about querying
Last night (rather unceremoniously), I finished my final read-through of The Protectress before beginning to query. This has definitely...

the last draft (maybe)
I thought finishing a near complete re-write would feel...more exciting? But I finished up my final sentences without much fanfare. Even...

march reads
Since March is often a lot of ups and downs. Mostly involving the temperature. Good books to disappear into are essential. This is what...

february writing goals
The end of a month brings up a lot of emotions. Especially when that month is February and the worst two months of the year are over, and...

february book love
You know when you're on a roll for reading. Where you're completely immersed and obsessed with each book, with none of the hangover that...

new book thrill
It's official. Luna is off with a beta reader to get Publisher Ready (hopefully!!!). TBH, it's exciting but sounds a little stressful for...

thanks for the drafts
It's done, she whispered. NEVER, Luna replied. YOU WISH, Britt cackled. After a brief hiatus for Thanksgiving, I'm 126 pages away from...

giving up on a book
It's hard to even type the words. I want to give up on a book. Specifically Where Dreams Descend, which is a YA fantasy book by a debut...

fluffy little cows and why writing
When the words feel like they don't wanna be written, what do you do to calm your mind and get the writing going? Look at a field of...

luna's october reading thoughts
Boo! This month has flown by on a zippy broomstick. I got a little off-track for exactly what I wanted to read in October and have...

october goals or ghouls
Goals or ghouls, who's to say. But October is here. Month number 10. And, that is terrifying. I remember finishing my first draft of Luna...

incorporating feedback
This weekend, my bf and I took a private handstand class where we got feedback and learned new tips for how to improve our hand...

publishing your book
If publishing sounds way more daunting than writing...then I 1000% agree. This hasn't been something I've considered in detail until...

on the edge of reader feedback
It's (almost) time to hand Luna and The Protectress of the Silvis (/The Protectress: Queen of Shadows or TBD title) over to readers for...

big picture edits
Finished up the reading exercise, and am onto possibly the last edits before handing the book over to other readers. And, I am so glad I...

finding a new perspective
Raise your hand if the voice inside your head while writing can be way harsh? Does it criticize and judge every word and sentence as you...

a whole new world through writing
While reading Sabaa Tahir's An Ember in the Ashes series, I found myself COMPELLED to utter bleeding skies or ten hells (also, BLEEDING...

meet luna: part one
As has been established many times now, I'm not Luna. We haven't even known each other a full year yet, but I already feel like I know...
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