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Title: Still not convinced these work
Subtitle: Beatrix Bobbit is infinitely better than a video but the Bobbits would make a delightful show.
completing a new revision
The tinkering is never done. That's what I love about writing. It's never really done. Even if I'm not physically writing, I think a lot...
rewrite or revise? a new perspective
I read somewhere (but alas cannot remember where) that you have to fall in love with the tinkering as much as the writing because so much...
drafting after a break
How GORGEOUS is this fan art from my sister for THE BALLAD OF NEVER AFTER?! I love it so much. Speaking of...that book DESTROYED ME but...
the purpose of each chapter
What is the purpose of each chapter in your book? This is something I asked myself in my first revision outline for NIGHT SOIREE, and...
how many drafts does it take
It's summer and I've been swimming a lot (and drafting!) so can I say it?! Just keep swimming/writing/drafting. Whatever it is you're...
tips for major and minor revisions
Whenever you decide to make a change in your plot, it's never just one change. If you move a scene, there's lots of new writing that...
writing after a break
"May you have fair winds and following seas." I saw a sign with those words as I was eating my last meal of vacation in Maine. I'm pretty...
mood boards for world building
I am not a Second Draft person. I want to be! Because it IS fun to get to know your story and see your characters better. To figure out...
how to write multiple POVs
What is your favorite way to describe characters or stories you love? If you answered CHAOTIC, then this is the post for you! I'm going...
outlines for revisions
If you haven't been converted to outlining before your first draft, I cannot stress enough that you will be lost and all in a tizzy...
thinking, planning, writing
Writing is a process, obviously. Every writer has their own unique process that (hopefully) works for them. My process has evolved since...
editing your high word count
If you love the thrill of a first draft, then the editing might be less thrilling. For NIGHT SOIREE, I set a word count goal of 80,000,...
second draft slump
There's something about writing a first draft that feels wildly exciting. You've got this story you're so excited about, and a detailed...
queries and revisions
Well, after just under two years of working on The Protectress, I finally sent my first batch of queries out! It's strange but exciting....
vacations and inspiration
There's nothing like coming back from a vacation of hikes, handstands and alpacas to find emails, a first draft you finished hours before...
how your drafting process changes
I'm getting pretty close to the end of writing the first draft of The Eternal Night Soiree. My characters are still not exactly where...
the last draft (maybe)
I thought finishing a near complete re-write would feel...more exciting? But I finished up my final sentences without much fanfare. Even...
the stories within the story
Before I begin trying to unpack how a story can contain SO MANY stories you didn't even realize what you were writing... Thanks to my...
beta reader feedback
It feels impossible that in the spring of this year I had printed a draft I was happy with and preparing for my first rounds of feedback...
writing for the end of the year
Since it's almost the end of the the year, I thought it might be fun to recap everything I've written over the past year. I invite you to...
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