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Title: Still not convinced these work
Subtitle: Beatrix Bobbit is infinitely better than a video but the Bobbits would make a delightful show.
writing the book you want
As I'm getting ready to query Luna soon and thinking about so many of the YA fantasy books I've read over the past few years, I still...
december reads
'Tis the season to have tea parties and read! While starting writing for The Eternal Night Soiree (can I make TENS happen?!), I was also...
writing that writing prompt story
The sun rose for the final time... Wow. Pretty scary. This is the writing prompt I'm currently working off of for a new story. When I...
there isn't any more time to find
Time is most definitely not on our side. We're always struggling to squeeze more minutes out of each day so we can do things besides...
outlining your writing journey
A month ago, I hiked with my sis, her hubs and bf through the lushest trail that opened to an alpine lake. It was one of those moments...
how to stay enchanted
It's totally natural that you get annoyed with and exhausted by characters in your book or even your book itself, right?! Sorry Luna it's...
luna, beatrix bobbit & co
In the not so distant past, the world was ENRAPTURED with quizzes that would proclaim your Hogwarts House, if you were a Carrie,...
the reality of stories
Why do you read? Seriously, think about it. I'll wait. So will Luna, she's notoriously good at waiting after waiting nearly sixteen years...
on the edge of reader feedback
It's (almost) time to hand Luna and The Protectress of the Silvis (/The Protectress: Queen of Shadows or TBD title) over to readers for...
big picture edits
Finished up the reading exercise, and am onto possibly the last edits before handing the book over to other readers. And, I am so glad I...
reading your book as a reader
So you've written a book. And you've read it through so many times you basically dream as your main character (Luna's dreams are more...
final drafts finish line
Nearing the end of draft three, I'm feeling simultaneously eager to sprint to the finish and hesitant to let go. I know there will be...
all about world building
World building is a term used a lot in fantasy. As it should be because it's super important in the fantasy genre. When you're creating...
huge news
I could cry and dance and cartwheel and laugh and handstand and take celebratory photos... Because on Friday night, I finished my second...
mae's magical farm
Mae lived on a magical farm. Of course, Mae didn't know that magic was responsible for her particular farm. Or, even that she herself was...
how to keep track of your story
Lost in the leaves. An all too familiar feeling when trying to keep track of all your characters, plots, sub-plots, conflicts and...
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