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Title: Still not convinced these work
Subtitle: Beatrix Bobbit is infinitely better than a video but the Bobbits would make a delightful show.

short stories in a series
Have you ever started doing something that you didn't understand until you started and now you do it all the time? I'll go first....

fluffy little cows and why writing
When the words feel like they don't wanna be written, what do you do to calm your mind and get the writing going? Look at a field of...

writing on rainy days
Here's looking at you, cow... Why is it that rainy days feel like the most excellent Reading Days but not necessarily the best Writing...

luna's october reading thoughts
Boo! This month has flown by on a zippy broomstick. I got a little off-track for exactly what I wanted to read in October and have...

fairytales, vacations and writing time
Just returned from a Fall Fairytale getaway to Stowe, Vermont. It was nothing but gorgeous fall colors, hikes up the mountain and through...

outlining your writing journey
A month ago, I hiked with my sis, her hubs and bf through the lushest trail that opened to an alpine lake. It was one of those moments...

pro prologues
Let's talk about prologues. I added one at the beginning of draft three, realizing that I needed to share an event from Luna's early...

first drafts, second drafts & beyond
Starting to write a book is a lot like learning to ride a bike (which is a tired analogy but the picture was cute so just roll with it,...

a whole new world through writing
While reading Sabaa Tahir's An Ember in the Ashes series, I found myself COMPELLED to utter bleeding skies or ten hells (also, BLEEDING...

stuck on words + phrases
Have you ever written words or a phrase and been like, "Yessssssss so good." I hope so, because that probably means you love writing, and...

monday writing motivation
Head still in the weekend clouds. Dreaming of weekend things like apple fritters, long workouts and couch writing sessions with extra...

scheduling writing time
Schedules keep us in diligent pursuit of our goals (not aimlessly wandering through open fields). Of course, schedules can also make life...

how to keep track of your story
Lost in the leaves. An all too familiar feeling when trying to keep track of all your characters, plots, sub-plots, conflicts and...
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