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Blog Feed
Title: Still not convinced these work
Subtitle: Beatrix Bobbit is infinitely better than a video but the Bobbits would make a delightful show.
february writing goals
The end of a month brings up a lot of emotions. Especially when that month is February and the worst two months of the year are over, and...
week two writing schedule
Heading into the second week of 2022, working on the new writing schedule: Eternal Night Soiree in the morning, Protectress in the...
writing for the end of the year
Since it's almost the end of the the year, I thought it might be fun to recap everything I've written over the past year. I invite you to...
writing november
The beginning of November feels like a pause before an exhale. A brief moment where you're turning a little more inward, layering up,...
fluffy little cows and why writing
When the words feel like they don't wanna be written, what do you do to calm your mind and get the writing going? Look at a field of...
luna's october reading thoughts
Boo! This month has flown by on a zippy broomstick. I got a little off-track for exactly what I wanted to read in October and have...
october goals or ghouls
Goals or ghouls, who's to say. But October is here. Month number 10. And, that is terrifying. I remember finishing my first draft of Luna...
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