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Blog Feed
Title: Still not convinced these work
Subtitle: Beatrix Bobbit is infinitely better than a video but the Bobbits would make a delightful show.
completing a new revision
The tinkering is never done. That's what I love about writing. It's never really done. Even if I'm not physically writing, I think a lot...
editing your high word count
If you love the thrill of a first draft, then the editing might be less thrilling. For NIGHT SOIREE, I set a word count goal of 80,000,...
second draft slump
There's something about writing a first draft that feels wildly exciting. You've got this story you're so excited about, and a detailed...
february writing goals
The end of a month brings up a lot of emotions. Especially when that month is February and the worst two months of the year are over, and...
how to procrastinate procrastination
We've all been there. Staring at a blank screen. Or even a screen filled with words. When, suddenly, you decide you really need to look...
december reads
'Tis the season to have tea parties and read! While starting writing for The Eternal Night Soiree (can I make TENS happen?!), I was also...
fairytales, vacations and writing time
Just returned from a Fall Fairytale getaway to Stowe, Vermont. It was nothing but gorgeous fall colors, hikes up the mountain and through...
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