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another batch of queries

The thing about YOUR DREAMS of becoming a traditionally published author is that querying is not a fun part of the journey. But, it's part of the journey regardless.

Querying THE PROTECTRESS was my first time querying, and writing and re-writing (so many times) my query letter and synopsis. At the time, I queried six agents, and made plans to make some edits to my query letter and first pages before querying another batch.

I'm at that point now. The next part of the journey! Looking over my first pages again and seeing how they can be made BETTER. Hoping to be done with these edits by the end of the week before I query the next round of agents.

If you're querying or have queried: I'd love to hear how many agents you usually query at a time, and how many queries you'll send out before (lovingly) putting away your book to work on another?!

Sending positive vibes to everyone trying to sell their books!

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