comfort books to read over and over
Since the weather outside has truly turned frightful, inside I'm craving the comfort of beloved books. The ones you know so well and love more each time you read them. Yes, those books. I was recently thinking about movies, and how the measure of a good movie is whether or not you want to watch it again and again.
It's the same for books. Great books demand to be read multiple times. They're more than unexpected twists. They're vibrant characters, quotable dialogue, masterful world-building and storytelling. I always wonder, too, if our attachment to certain books is a bit nostalgic for the time in which we first read them.
The books I return to most are somewhat varied in genre. The Caraval series, to get lost in the world (I already know OUABH will already be on this list). Eligible makes this list, as does Pride and Prejudice. And, now, Truly Devious, which I'm reading for the third time. Prep school + murders + mystery = the ultimate cozy read again book. This time, too, I'll be able to go on to finish the rest of the series, which I'm super excited about.
Thinking about these books has gotten me thinking about how to be a writer of these books. Reading books again as a writer, is a totally different vibe. Trying to figure out how they do things well, and how I can do those things better.
In other writing news, sending Luna off to two new readers, and finishing up a new Beatrix Bobbit story for Thursday!
Share your must read again and again books in the comments (just added Six of Crows and These Violent Delights from other suggestions!).
Stay cozy and reading and writing!