how to manage distractions
Let's face it, we're all over-scheduled. There's barely enough time for all the things you have to do everyday, and definitely not enough time for chasing rainbows. So how do you manage to carve out consistent bits of time amidst the chaos of work, chores, family, friends, cooking, getting your dog groomed, exercising...? The list literally never ends.
In the early days of beginning Luna, I carved out a very specific time in the morning just for writing. After a workout, with that first cup of coffee in hand. I found myself a lot of times writing a sentence, checking emails, writing another sentence, sending texts. It is really really hard to sit and focus without any distraction.
Because, there's always something else you could be doing, right? You could be planning next week's meals, ordering new yoga pants AND "writing" all at once. Of course, you could also end up with meals you're not into, yoga pants in the wrong size and a few measly paragraphs of writing that will need to be deleted.
After almost a year of writing Luna's story, I definitely don't stick to the same time of day with the same consistency. But, I have gotten better at avoiding distractions (unless it's a cute animal, I'm not that strong!).
Here are my too few tips for devoting all of your attention to writing while you're writing:
A delicious beverage goes a long way to keeping you in the present. It's something to enjoy while the words flow. And they will.
Don't check your phone. Or email. If you wanna be so aggressive as to turn everything to airplane mode, then that's probably helpful. Devote all your attention TO WRITING for the set amount of time you're writing (along with sips of your delicious beverage).
Be nice to yourself when you think it's hard to write (it is!), and hard to not be distracted (ditto!). But, if you never practice writing without distractions, you'll never get better at it. And you will get better at it, with practice!
Practice practice practice devoting your full attention to writing every time you write.
That's all I've got, I'd love to hear any tips you've got for avoiding distractions or leaning into particularly fun ones!
Love this! Very helpful!