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inspiration vs motivation

A tale of two goats.

Not these particular goats, since they both seem rather unmotivated.

But let's go with it.

As a writer you need two things: Inspiration and Motivation.

Inspiration can appear at any moment. Something you see or read sparks an idea to write a retelling of Beauty and the Beast where the Belle murders the Beast.

Aha! You rejoice at the inspired idea, already plotting the story in your head.

Then, you sit down to write, waiting on the sentences to pour effortlessly through your inspired typing fingers. But nothing comes.

Unlike inspiration, motivation is meticulous. Unlikely to strike at any moment (though it can!). It's well suited to planning. To daily word/page goals. And it's not nearly as fun as envisioning Belle wearing the Beast's skin around the castle.

In time, motivation pays off. The inspiration may get you the idea, but the motivation sees you through it, even when you're toiling away with nothing to show for it.

Because one day you will absolutely have something to show for it! A finished book, no matter what happens to it, is a huge accomplishment.

So, keep getting inspired and stay motivated!

And, maybe hang out with some goats.

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