on the edge of reader feedback

It's (almost) time to hand Luna and The Protectress of the Silvis (/The Protectress: Queen of Shadows or TBD title) over to readers for feedback. It's terrifying and exhilarating and I kinda wanna tuck her away and protect her but also push her out into the world to see what others think of her story.
A lot of different feelings. And, a lot of thoughts on what type of feedback I hope to get. Obviously, "This is AMAZING, I need more, don't change a thing," is the unrealistic and eternal dream. But, seriously, I do want feedback that actually helps the story and characters.
As such, I'm working on a sheet for my readers to read before and fill out after to answer some important questions that will hopefully help me make this book better. Here are the points that feel most important for readers to address for me:
What was your favorite part of the book and why?
Which characters did you like? Dislike? How would you improve upon characters that fell flat?
Did the pacing of the book work for you? Which parts did it feel too slow or too fast in and what would you suggest to improve the overall pacing?
Was the concept of the Game interesting? Does Patrick's riddle work? Add suggestions for improving the Game section.
Were there any parts of the story you skipped over or didn't care for at all? Explain them and why.
Does the mystery of the Silvis need more explanation or are you okay delving more into it in the second book in the series?
How did you feel about the hum Luna hears and subsequent pull? Do you need this mystery explained in more detail or are you content to let it build for a later book? Explain if this was interesting or if you have ways to make it more interesting.
Could you picture the world clearly? Would you improve upon building the world with any specific details you thought were missing?
Did the dialogue between characters flow well? Would you change any specific characters' dialogue?
Overall, did you enjoy the story enough to continue the series?
Was there enough mystery in the story to keep you guessing? Did the twists work? Explain if you liked and/or would improve upon any plot twists.
Do the cloaks and bracelets add to the story? Should how they work be explained in greater detail?
This is just a working list, that will be edited down and honed in more specifically. But, it was helpful to write so I know where I want readers to focus most. Which is definitely the whole point in getting readers' feedback. Even if it feels like standing on the edge of a cliff of the past year's work to let other people into my secret world.
Ready or not, Luna, here we go!