query writing tip
Since this is my first time querying I am in no way an expert. There are so many resources from people way way more qualified than me. And, you should definitely do your research and practice, practice, practice.
Writing my query for THE PROTECTRESS was particularly challenging because I felt too close to the story to be able to succinctly describe it. So, now that I'm working on NIGHT SOIREE edits, I decided to go ahead and write a first pass at at query because I don't feel as wrapped up in the teensy details.
And, weirdly, with that distance, it was a lot easier to figure out what each character wanted/needed in their arc. It was also super different since NIGHT SOIREE has five POVs (why?!?!?!) but still, something I wish I'd done for THE PROTECTRESS earlier on!
Let me know if this is something that works for you!