rewriting scenes in a book
After this weekend, I've basically re-written the first 100 pages of this book and that makes me feel...
Happy? Excited? Sleepy?
A bit of all three, to some extent. Choosing Excited as the predominant feeling to embrace for now. These new additions really change the feel of the story, and get into the action so much quicker. Aside from the beginning, the key scenes that I wanted to add involved Luna's training with her newfound Protectress night sky powers.
Even when you're magical, you have to be trained. It's totally necessary. How else will you learn to use your powers without training and guidance? My first attempts at these scenes were boring. I knew it, but apparently didn't really know it either until my sister offered some very crucial feedback.
She said something along the lines of, "In fantasy, don't be afraid to burn it all to the ground and rebuild. You make up the rules." Aside from being incredibly empowering, this helped free me from the trap of my boring trainings.
Now, in Luna's second training, Riley introduces her to the Revealer. Which was created by Protectresses and reveals the depths of your powers, the good, the bad, the scary, all of it. And, that means, we as readers get to see what Luna's capable of way earlier (that'll play a part later in the book). This scene also serves as a crucial turning point where the depths of Luna's powers attract danger and act as a catalyst for starting the Game early.
Showing not telling. More excitement. Tiny goals.
Hopefully, things to keep in mind whenever you're reworking scenes to accomplish bigger picture goals in the book. I'm so much happier with the pacing now, and I think Luna is too. Though, she's definitely more exhausted from being so attacked.