second draft slump
There's something about writing a first draft that feels wildly exciting. You've got this story you're so excited about, and a detailed outline that you only occasionally (/majorly) veer off of. You're creating new characters and their voices and mannerisms and building a world and figuring out what they want, and what's standing in their way and how they're going to get it.
Then, you finish that first draft, and you're ready for all the alpaca kisses (superior to high fives).
And, then, you start your second draft be re-reading your first draft. The second draft is where all the good things you thought you did in your first draft, turn out to maybe not be so good. HOW, you shout, IS THIS NOT BETTER?!
My experience with NIGHT SOIREE is still so much better I cannot stress enough how bad THE PROTECTRESS was. But there are parts where I thought I was weaving something sneakily, and I have to make notes like THIS IS NOT SNEAKY, DROP LESS OBVIOUS HINTS.
I'm not sure if I'm alone in this, but every day I really looked forward to writing my daily first draft pages. But, when it comes to second draft pages, I'm a bit less excited / definitely spend more time cringing. I know that characters can just SAY things, so why do I always have them BRUSHING AWAY DAMP BANGS IN A HUFF.
Anyway, I digress. If you're a first draft lover like me, then these are my tips for keeping some of the excitement for the second draft.
Before you dive in to deep edits, do a read through looking for edits that are easier to handle. Sentences that don't make sense, explanations that feel unclear. Set yourself up for some early wins while reading at a faster pace.
Then, take notes of larger issues that will need to be addressed. Plot and pacing and world building that requires more effort.
At the top of that doc taking notes for all the changes you're going to make, write a couple sentences about why you wanted to write this book, and what you fell in love with about it writing it. Always good to have this nearby as a reminder what you're working towards and that you DID used to love this idea.
I'd love to hear any tips you have! Do you prefer first drafts or editing?!