vacations and inspiration
There's nothing like coming back from a vacation of hikes, handstands and alpacas to find emails, a first draft you finished hours before vacation and a disastrous query letter.
I still haven't fully processed that Night Soiree's first draft is DONE?! I remember furiously typing, and going a bit off script from the outline. But, it's all a blur. I'm honestly really looking forward to the edits for this, so I can see how it all ended up! Unlike with the Protectress, I wrote SO much excess backstory into this first draft, thinking I would rather make cuts and refine than add a bunch of content that I don't really need. I'm excited to see how this draft process compares to the Protectress...
And, speaking of Luna, her query letter is a mess, but I have a few sentences that DO SEEM GOOD. Gonna roll with those and get to finishing the synopsis for my Query Letter before sending her out into the world.
Super jazzed for all of this upcoming writing, and ESPECIALLY a new Beatrix Bobbit coming out on Thursday!
How's your April writing coming along?!