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when you miss a writing deadline

Do: Open your arms wide and scream/laugh at the sky.

Don't: Dive into the freezing ocean water with no towel when you have a long bike ride AND ferry ride ahead of you.

I set a deadline to finish a writing prompt for a new short story today. I'm slightly bummed I missed it because I was having fun with the story and wanted to share New Story Content (in case anyone is actually reading this).

Instead, I'm turning pumpkin bread back into a pumpkin and writing about Deadlines. Dreaded as they are, always haunting and lurking and being really good Halloween characters. We can't escape them, and we can't join them because that's weird.

But we can figure out tactics for dealing with missing them. The stakes are so low for me, since all my deadlines (outside work) are completely self-imposed. Regardless, they still matter to me. So whether you have Self-Imposed Deadlines or Strictly Enforced Deadlines, this is what I suggest to better prepare for the inevitable misses.

Think of what you'd say to your favorite person if they came to you upset about missing a deadline...Got it? Was it kind and supportive? Did you ever use the word Big Moron (please say no!)? Be kind to yourself too. You'll get back on track.

The path is winding and full of roots to trip on and all kinds of obstacles (like animal poop!). It's okay to take a different path, explore a little, rest, watch birds, smell the leaves, have a picnic, handstand by a tree. You know where you're going, and you'll get there.

Also, if the path anecdote didn't do it for you. I've been trying to learn to press handstand for YEARS. I dream about it frequently. That feeling when both my feet finally feel light and just float off and up into the air, HOORAY. I've practiced so many tips and drills from trainers. Worked on compression and mobility and strength. All the pieces are there. But, I still haven't figured out how to put them together. If you were reading this hoping I had an Aha Moment to share, sorry. Still hasn't happened. Until then, I'll keep staying the path.

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